Men and women alike wear such body art, designs and patterns to create usually symbolic of gods or other divine forms that were used to worship and follow-up. It is also believed that some of the designs battles marked or relations with the ancestral gods or ancestors, and sometimes from reincarnation. You will get a tattoo of women, often after their wedding, to celebrate the dedication to her husband and children. Thus, the persons body art had to say a lot about the person.

The most popular method is the style of Celtic origin, who was in the United Kingdom. Since Christianity was the religion of the founders of the pattern of Celtic designs and patterns is largely affected by this religion. Has many of the designs of the Holy Cross, and also the tree of life, and the design of the Holy Trinity. Celtic tattoos, mostly simple in design, and thus be completed in one session at the most. Looks great in dark ink.
Similarly, the African body art has also been driving the fashion industry mad. This is because the symbolism of unique methods and rugged, and looks. Most African Tattoo Art as follows:
Q symbols ancient African gods who were thought to be the savior and guardians of human souls from evil spirits and unnatural. Were worn, especially by the people and the tribes to protect themselves from evil spirits throughout their lives.

O men wore tattoo designs that portray the courage and bravery. It has also taken the time to be brave and pattern of body art involves a lot of pain in those days.
O Most African Tattoo carrying symbols of animals, most of them fatal, which symbolizes the courage and strength to a man on an equal basis of the strength of the animal.