Phoenix Tattoos
The phoenix represented in the phoenix tattoo, is thought of as one of the most mystical and mythological of all birds. For this reason it is one of the most popular designs in tattoo artwork. The color associated with the phoenix is red and the element fire. Its origin is thought to be Ethiopian as well. The phoenix’s great significance originates from its symbolism – rebirth, renewal, and life! This is why it is always portrayed as a magnificent and spectacular bird. If the phoenix tattoo design is your favorite and you want to "ink" this symbolic bird on your favorite body location, it will pay to review a number of different phoenix patterns. Size and color are important factors to consider, because you want to be certain that the tattoo is going to blend and coordinate well together. Because there are so many colorful and beautiful phoenix tattoo designs to choose from, your first step should be to visit one of the more popular tattoo galleries. With their wide array of tattoo patterns, you will most assuredly find the perfect phoenix tattoo design for you. The phoenix tattoo in the picture has taken what is usually a male dominant design and applied a lot of light colors to it, to make the design more feminine.

Phoenix Tattoos
The phoenix tattoo in the picture is a great example of a design based on the Chinese version of the phoenix. With the Chinese, the phoenix was very important, with only the dragon holding a more important place in their culture. Only the Chinese Empress was allowed to wear the phoenix as a symbol, which represented the union of yin and yang, symbolizing virtue and grace. But, the phoenix tattoo is an important design in other cultures other then the Chinese. Some Jewish myths have added the the mystique of the phoenix, as they talk about the phoenix as the one living creature that never left the garden of Eden, and it never partook of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; thus its longevity. The phoenix is also significant to the Japanese, and is an important symbol of theirs, included with the sun. The Japanese like to entwine the phoenix with the dragon, as you can see on many of their tattoos. This also symbolizes yin and yang for the Japanese, mixing the highest qualities of the masculine and feminine together. No matter what culture it’s in however, the phoenix tattoo is associated witha number of good qualities in a person, things like kindness, duty and being reliable, among others.
The phoenix represented in the phoenix tattoo, is thought of as one of the most mystical and mythological of all birds. For this reason it is one of the most popular designs in tattoo artwork. The color associated with the phoenix is red and the element fire. Its origin is thought to be Ethiopian as well. The phoenix’s great significance originates from its symbolism – rebirth, renewal, and life! This is why it is always portrayed as a magnificent and spectacular bird. If the phoenix tattoo design is your favorite and you want to "ink" this symbolic bird on your favorite body location, it will pay to review a number of different phoenix patterns. Size and color are important factors to consider, because you want to be certain that the tattoo is going to blend and coordinate well together. Because there are so many colorful and beautiful phoenix tattoo designs to choose from, your first step should be to visit one of the more popular tattoo galleries. With their wide array of tattoo patterns, you will most assuredly find the perfect phoenix tattoo design for you. The phoenix tattoo in the picture has taken what is usually a male dominant design and applied a lot of light colors to it, to make the design more feminine.

Phoenix Tattoos
The phoenix tattoo in the picture is a great example of a design based on the Chinese version of the phoenix. With the Chinese, the phoenix was very important, with only the dragon holding a more important place in their culture. Only the Chinese Empress was allowed to wear the phoenix as a symbol, which represented the union of yin and yang, symbolizing virtue and grace. But, the phoenix tattoo is an important design in other cultures other then the Chinese. Some Jewish myths have added the the mystique of the phoenix, as they talk about the phoenix as the one living creature that never left the garden of Eden, and it never partook of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; thus its longevity. The phoenix is also significant to the Japanese, and is an important symbol of theirs, included with the sun. The Japanese like to entwine the phoenix with the dragon, as you can see on many of their tattoos. This also symbolizes yin and yang for the Japanese, mixing the highest qualities of the masculine and feminine together. No matter what culture it’s in however, the phoenix tattoo is associated witha number of good qualities in a person, things like kindness, duty and being reliable, among others.