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Best Gallery Tattoos
Because getting a tattoo is such a major life decision - one that you can never truly take back - you need to make sure that you find the single tattoo that is going to make you happy for the rest of your life. Since the parlors themselves tend to limit the amount of designs the available, one of the best places to go is a tattoos gallery.
What is a Tattoos Gallery?
There are types of galleries available. There are galleries that display tattoos that people have already gotten - these are tattoos that are already on the bodies, with user photos and forums - and there are galleries that have tattoo designs that you can use for your next tattoo, completely printable galleries with over 10,000 different designs.
This type of tattoos gallery also comes in two types of its own. There are some that give you a huge library to search from, but you can only buy a single tattoo that costs you as much as 15 dollars. On the other hand, there are other galleries that, for 30 dollars or less, you can get access to 10,000 designs that you can choose from at any time in your life. Meaning, even if you find the single tattoo you want right away, if you decide you are going to get another tattoo later, you still have 9,999 tattoos to go without having to pay any extra money.
You may only need a tattoo once, but paying 15 dollars for a single tattoo is clearly not as valuable as being able to purchase access to 10,000 tattoos for just a few dollars more. And with that type of tattoos gallery, you can be completely sure that when you find the tattoo you are looking for, you are going to be satisfied with it.
Access to a Tattoos Gallery
Your search for your next tattoo should be something that you are continuing to do until the day that you decide to make your final purchase. By looking through extremely large galleries, especially galleries of tattoo designs themselves, rather than just tattoo showcases on people's bodies, your choice of the type of tattoo you will get is something that will not be rushed.
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Wing Tattoo

Wing Tattoo

Wing Tattoo
Best Tribal Tattoo Art
Sea-faring Polynesians from Samoa colonized the Marquises Islands as early as 300 A.D. They were warring tribes who sometimes cannibalized their enemies. Marquesan art is very uncommon. Most tribal tattoos are done with one specific object and the size variation is minimal. This is not so with the Pacific.
Tribes in Africa do not use pigment for tattooing, they cut the skin and either the wound is packed with a substance so that it becomes raised or it is rubbed with ash or sand until the wound rises up, then the scar is the tattoo.
Borneo is the third largest island in the world. The Dayak people reside here for centuries, they believe that spirits are in everything around them. For this reason they believe that by tattooing an object or creature on them they can draw energy from these spirits.
The Tribal tattoo art expresses personal freedom and uniqueness of the wearer. Tribal art has a simple appeal that reinforces a positive feeling about ourselves and connects us to ancient mystery of the tribal rituals, which faded away with history.
Beside Rose Tattoo Design

The Celtic tattoo design is multi-faceted. It can be in the form of a cross. It can also be in the design of a knot. These knots can be round, triangular, square or just about any other shape desired. But what makes it a Celtic design? We are going to explore this very popular and unusual tattoo design and discover the meaning (if any ) behind them.
Deer Tattoos

Deer Tattoos

Deer Tattoos
Japanese Dragon Tattoo

Japanese Dragon Tattoo

Japanese Dragon Tattoo
Foot Tattoo

Foot Tattoo
But before you get a foot tattoo there are a few drawbacks that you need to know about. Foot tattoos tend to be much more painful than most others because the skin is so close to bone. In fact, some tattoo artists won’t even do foot tattoos for this very reason. Also, if you grit your teeth and get the foot tattoo the initial care of it takes a bit more effort than a normal tattoo does. It’s not that big of deal but it needs to be said up front and you need to be aware of it.

Foot Tattoo
Dragonfly Tattoos

Dragonfly Tattoos

Dragonfly Tattoos
Fish Tattoos

Fish Tattoos

Fish Tattoos
Butterflies Tattoos Design

Butterflies Tattoos Design

Butterflies Tattoos Design
Phoenix Tattoos

Phoenix Tattoos

Phoenix Tattoos

Phoenix Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Rose Tattoos
This particular rose tattoo would seem to be one that wants to symbolize more than a simple ‘I love you’ like most single roses would. This one seems to want to stand for nature and freedom and a general celebration of life itself. Unlike other rose tattoos I have seen this one seems to be telling us what is stands for and what it is supposed to mean. I would be curious to ask the owner and see if that is it, but I would be surprised if my definition is not very close. But one never knows. A rose by any other name is still a rose, unless of course we’re talking about rose tattoos. That can be something quite different.

Rose Tattoos
The truth is things don’t have to be that complicated although it always seems that love is at one time or another. The time of the rose and getting rose tattoos should be the time of love that is simple and pure and beautiful. A time with hearts that are over flowing with love and simply want to share that joy with their better half.