He sang Let It Be for his Glee audition. Maybe it's fake for the photoshoot?

Carry me into a new dimension let me be I live inside my hearts agony let me

tattoos in this segment, but I will you let you be the judge of that.

This use and meaning of the monosyllable tat, as a short form for tattoo,

Let me be the first to tell you that there are so many different designs to

Let me start by saying, I'm not a tattoo kind of guy…

Possibly the most popular of misspelled tattoos is

It's like, I'm just one little person, let it be. And that's what it is!

Let this be a lesson to all the kids out there: sure, that face tattoo looks

let it be lyrics.

Well, let's not talk about it as she too seems to be coming out of it.

sending over a text to her tat artist to let it be known that her tattoo

Let Carlos give you the word up on life as a tattoo artist…

Mar 24 2008 World's Coolest Bowser Tattoo Is

He told me he has two other tattoos—one of a Banksy stencil,

EDIT: Thanks to “boonhum” who left a comment and let me know its a tattoo

Royal Street Tattoo, Mobile, Alabama - Pete Anderson. LET IT BE = D

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If you don't own it, or don't want to buy it, I'll let you listen to it at

I first got a tattoo at age 18, told no one, and continued to be tattooed